Account manager Jared is a joke

Account manager Jared is a joke

Not sure what Jared has going on with Mark or whoever this is but I literally went through all the things that you asked me to show you I'm committed.

Jared asked me his questions. I answered them and I even told him why I'm here, my past, what I hope to accomplish, told him I can get the program, everything he wanted asked for.

Then he proceeded to tell me I'm not communicating, that I seemed to not be opening up. I asked him what the issue was, I was answering all his questions and opening up about my struggles and my past and he said that we aren't a good fit and hung up on me.

Literally communicated, did everything you guys asked according to how you wanted it and told him I need and that i want to be educated. What more do you need? You asked me no questions to even open up about and everything Jared did ask I literally answered it the best I could and then some more. WTF is that?

What a guy. That was some amatuer salesperson shit for me to go through all that process and commitments and then do everything you asked and then be told a hollow no and run away. Do better

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